I just commented over at Derrick's blog, Alternative Energy.
As I glanced over my more-or-less-currently-abandoned blog, I laughed.
This particular posting to catch my eye was entitled Keeping the Balloons in the Air.
Hey, look at that, my last ten or so posts really are nothing more than, "So, how do we keep these balloons in the air?"
Apparently, according to my little blog here, my answers are:
1/30 Cook. Create good food from scratch.
1/17 Slow down, your moving too fast.
1/12 I enjoy/prefer this manner of living.
1/8 Take a break. (Ideally, these breaks are scheduled. Occasionally, there will be unscheduled crashes.)
1/5 When a particular project proves to be a stressor, refocus. Also, it's okay to vent.
12/31 Reflect on the good decisions to drop or table certain projects. Honor that those decisions were ridiculously scary at the time.
Huh, look at that.
Laughter is good.